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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Requirements of proper Direction............?

               'Direction is not a simple thing' in management.Direction is a quality we can earn through the experience.Direct the right path and taste the successes  is the core MANTRA of managerial concepts.
The major requirements for a proper directions are:
(1)Harmony of objective
(2)Unity of commands
(3)Direct supervision
(4)Efficiency in communication
      Above mentioned thing are the major components  in direction. Harmony of objective means create a balance between actual objective and direction.Make sure that there is a no conflict between objective and  direction.However,balancing both thing in a single loop is the most important thing .
               Second terminology is unity of command.The direction must be show the uniqueness.Otherwise it will create the confusion in the subordinates mind and their work.Unity of command also defining capability of the top management.
    Direct supervision not only for the work evaluation but also it creates manager and employee relation.And it will help to the employee improve his/her performance level. Communication also have vital role in direction process.If a manager gives direction to their subordinates it should be transparent.....

    Friday, March 26, 2010

    Economy V/S Management

    The Management mainly deals with four major function.It may vary on the basis of writers view points .Management is a real concept to guide and stream line the economy of any country across the globe.
    If  a country's regulatory authorities do not have the capacity to manage" MEN & MATERIALS" we can say that "THEY ARE PLANNING TO FAIL".Most of the Asian continent countries have enough manpower and materials.But unfortunately they are failing to generate income.This problems are arising due to mismanagement.......................

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    Where We Need Professionalism????

    We are in a 21st century era .It's sometimes difficult to identify the true meaning of "professionalism." Many individuals use professionalism as a facade to cover their lack ability to perform their job effectively. Others use it to for intimidation to gain power. Still others use it as a way to impress the unknowing. However, it seems that very few individuals use it for its original intent---to provide a foundation for effective communications and efficient performance.